"I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense." Harold Kushner
Thomas Raddall, a great Nova Scotian historian and writer is a new favourite of mine. "Matters that count in this world don't come about, they're brought about."~ Pride's Fancy

I found this copy of
Anne of Green Gables in a local antique shop. Isn't it lovely and how could you resist such prose as "Marilla, isn't it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?".
Hei Bella!
Unfortunately only the first pic of your post is visible, what ashame; can't open the others...
Have a nice day
Beatrice ♥
Bell, You know we LOVE Anne of Green Gables. Nice find. I also love books.
Hi Bella! Wonderful collection! I'm especially envious of your Anne of Green Gables treasure! What a great find!
Lisa :)
Thanks for sharing the quotes - I love them. The antique Anne book is wonderful! Old books are full of romantic language and wonderful quotes.
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