Here on the East Coast of Canada we are entering the "deep freeze" of winter. For about a month starting somewhere near the middle of January we have really, really cold weather. The kind of weather that hurts your lungs if you take a deep breath. Last night when I went to bed, the temperature in the bedroom was 18 Celsius and outside was -18 Celsius! That's close to 40 degrees difference. This is just the beginning, soon we will have temperatures somewhere in the -27 to - 35 degree range. Tomorrow in Northern New Brunswick they are calling for a windchill of -42 Celsius! BRRRR!

Oh Bella, you will be glad for your toasty warm hats and scarves! I thought of you when I heard the weather forecast. Brrrr!
Stay cozy and warm as best you can.
Boy and I thought it was cold and icy here!!!
♥ Stay as warm and cozy as you can.
I could imagine a little more winter here, though...
the bird is too cute; nice that you feed them. It is a tradition here, too. ♥
German Hugs
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