Wow, did I ever have a long weekend... and for the matter, it's looking like a long week. My husband left early Saturday morning on a golfing trip to Nova Scotia. I didn't mind, I like spending some time alone, BUT Hurricane Danny roared in Saturday night and drenched everything... including my basement... you know, the basement that we just put new floors in?

A very early phone call was placed to my parents to bring towels, buckets and their shop vac. We got everything moved up off the floor, including the computers which were sitting in 2 inches of water, and all the water we could see wiped up. Unfortunately the water had already seeped under the flooring and it all started to curl.

Last night both of our parents arrived on our doorstep and the flooring was all ripped out and now we are waiting for insurance people to tell us what happens next. I think it will be a week of "Hurry up and wait". Sigh...
oh my! We were watching the storm via the news and hoping it wouldn't be too bad. I hope your floor is soon repaired.
I am sorry to hear that Danny came visiting your way!! My neighbour's husband is currently working out that way, and she happened to be visiting him (they live in Alberta) that week.
I found your site over at Lorrie's, so I had to come and see for myself. You have some lovely things to admire and sigh over..... I'm smitten with the kittens.
A knitter I found out I'm not, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the beauty of other people's creative endeavours.
Oh dear,how awful, hope you don't have to wait too long for it to be fixed! Suzie. xxx
Hi Bella,
How horrible for you... We experienced a couple of floods when we lived in Regina....
So destructive and took 9 months to get it back to normal. DH lost log books from his flying days and so many family photos.... SAD!! Our claim was $20,000.00 for the things that could be replaced..
I know how you feel and I hope you get things back to normal soon...
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