Monday, February 23, 2009
Enough is Enough

Sunday, February 22, 2009
I'm Dreaming of Spring!
I've been dreaming of Spring to come early this year, but I don't think that will happen, so I've been making felted sheep instead!
Silly Sheep! I can't stop them from forming cheer leading pyramids!
This is Daisy. She's a real go getter, loves long walks on the beach and strawberry ice cream! Although judging from her size she should probably lay off the ice cream! She's looking for warmer greener pastures and is also tired of these Canadian winters! I'm going to help her write up her Etsy listing latter today.
Now I'd like to introduce you to Baa Baa Black Sheep. He likes to be called Baa Baa for short. Baa Baa is also looking for a new home but he's very shy and wants me to do his Etsy write up. He loves to snuggle up in front of the fire and read a good book and he's a great listener.
This is Arabella. Arabella is very intelligent, for a sheep, and already has her listing on Etsy. You can see her profile by clicking here.

Now this poor little rabbit was so lonely that she was the only rabbit that she sneaked into my roving stash and put on a sheep's coat! I tried to convince her that it was okay to be the only rabbit, but she really loves her wool coat! Silly rabbit!
Everybody is made out of 100% wool from Briggs and Little, the oldest woolen mill in Canada that is located right here in New Brunswick!
Briggs and Little,
Friday, February 20, 2009
After the Storm
Thursday, February 19, 2009
More Snow....sigh....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
I've Been Tagged! Perfect!!
The wonderful and talented Jen from HandiCrafts has tagged me! I'm to pick the 6th picture from my 6th folder, post it, blog about it, and then choose 6 other bloggers and let them blog about their 6 and 6! Which is perfect because I haven't been feeling very good the last few days and haven't the energy to take new photos, so this is perfect! Thank you Jen!
So this is my 6th picture from my 6th folder. It's of by beloved "Petie-bird". I remember that day; he was very sulky for some reason and he climbed up on the outside of the greenhouse and settled down and had a nice long nap! He never did that before and never did it again! Wow! Look at all of the green! Will I ever see it again?
Now, usually I'm too shy to tag other bloggers, but I think I will take a chance and choose the following 6 bloggers!
1. Sharon from Wildflowerhouse
2. LDH from With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart
3. Lorrie from Fabric, Paper, Thread
4. Nathalie Thompson from An Artists Legacy
5. Debbie from Obsessed with Crochet
6. YOU! I'm leaving the sixth person open for anybody who wants to be tagged!

Now, usually I'm too shy to tag other bloggers, but I think I will take a chance and choose the following 6 bloggers!
1. Sharon from Wildflowerhouse
2. LDH from With a Grateful Prayer and a Thankful Heart
3. Lorrie from Fabric, Paper, Thread
4. Nathalie Thompson from An Artists Legacy
5. Debbie from Obsessed with Crochet
6. YOU! I'm leaving the sixth person open for anybody who wants to be tagged!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Holding Strong
I'm not big on New Year's Resolutions, but this year I made three resolutions. First was to eat healthy, exercise, blah, blah, blah.... well that one fell to the wayside. The second one was not to buy any more books until I have made a substantial dent in the ones I already have. From my previous entry you can see how many books I have and I'm doing well on that resolution!
The third resolution was that I'm not allowed to buy any more yarn until I use up some of the stash I already have. As you can see I have more than enough yarn to do me a good part of the year, if not the entire year (let's get serious...the next 5 years)! I've held out very well on this resolution and am proud of myself!
Every time I open my yarn drawer I can hear the chorus of Hallelujah playing! LOL! But look, see right there in the middle? A bare spot!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Work Room II
This weekend was spent clearing out my main workroom in order to put down new floors. We ripped up the old carpet and put down new wood flooring. In order to do this though I had to empty four bookcases! Whew! BIG job!
This is the view of my little room from my doorway. The trunk in the middle of the floor was one of the first pieces of furniture I bought when I was a "grown up".
My little room is located at the bottom of the stairs in the back of the house. I get to walk by my pink china every time I come into my room. See the new floor?
My prized treadle Singer sewing machine that my parents gave to me when I was around 9 years old for Christmas. I used it right up until last year when I finally broke down and bought an electric sewing machine...you know, a machine that actually has a back stitch! I love that feature! Now I use it for a printer stand...can you see I haven't got it plugged in yet? Again, see those beautiful floors?
One of the bookcases. This is my Canadian section of books with some of my very favourite books...Rockbound by Frank Parker Day is a true gem.
Another bookcase...this one is housed with historical fiction. Anybody else a Diana Gabaldon fan?
My little hedgehog that I made from on old fur coat on top of another bookcase that appropriately houses my nature books. I've just discovered James Herriot and love his style of writing, not to mention the content.
The final bookcase...the BIG one! This was the hardest one to empty and put back together. It houses all the oversize books, cookbooks, gardening books, craft books, house books, etc. I love my little room, it's my hideaway from the real world!
james herriot,
Monday, February 9, 2009
Life's Lesson
This is the time of year for icicles and the time of year which always reminds me of a life lesson that I learned at the age of 6.
I grew up in an old farm house and the icicles used to extend from the second story roof all the way down to the ground level. They were huge, amazingly beautiful and a wonder to see, but Mom always said not to play around them or don't touch them.
One day while playing outside I just couldn't resist these sparkling wonders and went over and tugged on one. Well, down came many pounds of frozen ice crashing down on my head!
As I picked myself up out of the snow, brushed myself off and looked embarrassingly around to see if anybody caught me doing exactly what my Mommy told me not to do, I remember so clearly thinking "Hmmm....I guess Mommy IS always right." And that ladies and gentlemen is a life lesson we should all heed to.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Something Different

The first picture to the left is my great-great-grandfather James. He looks like a true gentlemen, doesn't he?
The couple to the right are Amine and William. Again, great great grandparents
Finally is James. A hard working farmer and carpenter who's father (my 4x grandfather) was a United Empire Loyalist, fought in the battle of Quebec and was a son of a Huguenot refugee. Luckily James lived a calmer life and as previously stated worked as a farmer and carpenter and was said to have built his own home and several churches in the area.
There! Something a little different! Hopefully tomorrow I can get up and take some more pictures of the snow! LOL! Believe it or not but we did get another foot of snow yesterday, giving us just over 3 feet of snow, and of those 3 feet we got 24 inches in just over 48 hours! Yikes! See why I take a lot of pictures of snow?
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
New Projects

bella mcbride,
crochet patterns,
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Stupid Meteorologists!!
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