I've been MIA from the computer lately and becoming at one with my crochet hook again. This also helps me whittle down that yarn stash. Remember, I'm not allowed to buy any more yarn until I get that stash worn down!

This is a hat I made for a friend and loved the way it turned out so I'm now in the midst of writing the pattern. I'm thinking of calling it "April Springs".

This is another version of a ruffled purse made from some of that Christmas yarn my mother-in-law gave me. The colour doesn't really show up well here, but it reminded me of the skin of a peach with yellows, golds and reds, very pretty.

Another April Springs hat. Hopefully the lighting will be good tomorrow and I can take full pictures of these hats to show you. The pattern should be going up on Etsy at the end of the week for the hats, and the purse pattern has been stalled until I feel the muse strike me again!
Looking forward to seeing the full pictures!
These are both great Bell, as usual.... Really love the hat and the name.
What a terrible tease to only have extreme close-ups! I do like what I see of the rose on your April Spring hat.
Ooo...I love the warm colours you used! Beautiful!
oh I wish I could crochet, your things are beautiful, mind if I follow along, pam
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