What a lucky girl I am! My husband planned a short overnight trip to Nova Scotia for me! Well, actually he said "Do you want to go to Nova Scotia tomorrow?" and then I was left scrambling to make plans that night of where I wanted to go!

So I chose to go see Joggins Fossil Cliffs, but we had to pass through Amherst on our way there and stopped to take some pictures. This is the Baptist Church which is made of red sandstone.

This was looking up at the theatre (I think). It had maple leaves on each corner... how Canadian is that?

We actually took a side trip to Pugwash as well. This is a picture of the Thinker's Lodge, or Eaton's Lodge where the Pugwash Conference is held. The purpose of the Pugwash Conferences is to bring together, from around the world, influential scientists, scholars and public figures concerned with reducing the danger of armed conflict and seeking cooperative solutions for global problems (from Wikipedia). It was just starting to rain and you can actually see the storm coming in.

Destination point: Joggins!

The following are all fossils that we found on the beach. Sadly we weren't able to bring any home with us. If caught with any material found from the beach you would be fined $10,000.00!

This would have been "mud waves".

Part of a tree.

Dinosaur heart... just kidding... couldn't resist taking a picture of this one!

Then a quick trip down to Parrsboro and a quick look for seashells along the beach. The tide was coming in, so we didn't find many.

Lighthouse in Parrsboro. Calming, n'est pas?

Back home through Amherst and a few more pictures.

What better picture to end with, a tartan clad bagpipe player, a perfect symbol of Nova Scotia!