I'm afraid my hopes for Spring to arrive have been crushed! We woke up Easter Sunday with snow on the ground. "Oh well," I naively thought, "it will soon melt". While waiting for this snow to melt we enjoyed a wonderful meal at my parents place.

The table is set in beautiful blues and whites, the company is wonderful, the food delicious.

My Mom has such exquisite taste.

These poor little Crocus keep there blooms tucked away while waiting for some sun and warmer temperatures... like me.

Then, much to my dismay, I awoke today, Easter Monday, and look what the Easter Bunny brought us! Snow, snow, and more snow! Will it ever end?

Below our house has been flooding more and more each day, and with it more and more ducks are arriving. So far just Mallards, Blacks and a few Teals, but today there are very few foraging for food. Where did they go? Some place warmer? Can I come?