The Ravens have full and truly landed at McBride House. About 2 years ago I made my first needle felted Raven and titled it "The Celtic Raven". I've made various pieces similar to it but the first one, the one pictured below, is still my favourite. I took the picture in my favourite cemetery, the cemetery at the church that I was married at, my parents were married at and my grandparents were married at. It's the first piece where I thought "Hmmm... do you think that maybe I am an artist?". So below, are some of the other Raven pieces I've made since, and stay tuned, because I have plans for many more!

THE STORY: My name is
Raven. As I sit upon my Ravenstone I ponder in
my thoughts. Some consider me a bird of ill omen others a mediator
between life and death. I am both the symbol of the sun, and the symbol
of a moonless night. The Scottish Highlanders, a brave and fearsome
people, once associated me with the second sight and prophecy. My
image flew on the banners of the pagan Danes and Viking ships as tokens
of luck on their voyages. I am, however, a contradiction in terms; I am
thought of a as trickster and a thief, a representation of death and
doom. While conversely others think I represent magic, creation,
healing, wisdom, and protection. I am especially revered by the
creative type as I was a favouite bird of the god Lludd, the Celtic god
of artists and artisans. I symbolize the void - the mystery of that
which is not yet known. S mis Fitheach.
My name is Raven.

The mighty warriors. The great war has begun between the
Ravens and the Chipmunks. Evil little creatures with sharp white teeth
began attacking the Fortress of the Raven's at dawn. Not being able to
defend their palace, the Raven's have called to arms the fae folk of the
forest. Great warriors with the hearts of a lion prepare themselves
with merely a sword, shield and great bravery. It should be a quick
battle now that these two forces have come together.
The Ravens swoop and dive in amoungst the trees while the fae quickly
cut the branches out from underneath the vile vermin. Don't let their
cuteness fool you. Those chipmunks will eat you out of house and home,
all the while sassing you from high up in their tree top refuge. Soon
the battle will be done and the Chipmunks will retreat deep into the
forest where they belong. The fae folk and the Raven's will soon
rejoice knowing that good will always conquer evil. Click
here to see more!
I love to do add little warriors, tombstones, etc to my ravens but sometimes, if you are lucky, you can pick up just a single
Raven from
my shop! Did you know that ravens are one of the smartest animals and they can
mimic human speech? I haven't had time to train this fellow to talk but
perhaps if he comes to your home you can give him a few lessons?
This lucky Raven found a new home in Wolfville, NS! I was doing a show for Fibre Fest in Amherst, NS and just finished this piece minutes before it was time to pack up and leave so I didn't get very much time to become acquainted with him. I'm really hoping to take a trip down to
Gaspereau Valley Fibres to visit him this summer!
THE STORY: One wears
white, the other one
black. One enjoys the finer
things in life, the other enjoys a simple country life. One soars high
above the thermals, the other dodges in amongst the trees. Even though
these two are complete opposites in life they come together twice a day,
just at that magic moment where day blends into night and then when
night blends into morning. For the white one soars through the night
and the black one soars through the day. They spend these few precious
moments sharing their adventures, wishes and dreams before one settles
in for their sleep and the other lives it's life looking forward to
those few magic moments that they will share again.

THE STORY: It's Christmas eve and the night is lit by millions of
shining stars. The air is cold and crisp and has the lingering smell of
snow. With only the constellations to lead his way the
Christmas Raven
makes his journey across the night sky carrying a very important
package. Little whoops of joy can be heard high above the clouds as they
swoop and swirl amoungst the thermals. It's a tradition these two
share each year after the packages have been delivered. Not only do
they enjoy the freedom of flight but the freedom of stress as their work
is finished. Soon Santa will climb back up on the Raven's back and
they will descend back through the clouds and make their landing. Until
they soar.

THE STORY: Deep in the forest, amongst the majestic oaks, stands an ancient stone column. Over the many years the oak trees have grown up around it and encircled it as if nature is reclaiming the etched stone itself. It sits alone and has been long forgotten. In all the years that it sits in it's solitary splendor there have been only two visitors. They swoop in among the tree branches and alight on the greyed stone. They sit, look about and contemplate. They cock their heads to the side as if listening to the other. As suddenly as they came, they fly away, their wings whisper in the air "
Mo Anam Cara". You are my soul mate.
A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its beak and settle on a branch of a tree.
"That's for me, as I am a Fox," said Master Reynard, and he walked up to the foot of the tree.
"Good day, Mistress Crow," he cried. "How well you are looking today: how glossy your feathers; how bright your eye. I feel sure your voice must surpass that of other birds, just as your figure does; let me hear but one song from you that I may greet you as the Queen of Birds."
The Crow lifted up her head and began to caw her best, but the moment she opened her mouth the piece of cheese fell to the ground, only to be snapped up by Master Fox.
"That will do," said he. "That was all I wanted. In exchange for your cheese I will give you a piece of advice for the future: "Do not trust flatterers."
The Royal Raven. He perches on the highest tree top in the
vast dense forest, his cloak blowing in the wind as he surveys his
kingdom. Not only is he the Royal King of Ravens he has also been
elected Official King of Crows and Rooks for no other can surpasses his
wisdom, and few dare to try. He does not live the life of the pampered
Royal Ravens in the Tower of London but instead is out amongst his kind
fighting to survive. He teaches his subjects the ways of the world,
intermingling ancient secrets and modern technology seamlessly. He
stands at attention ready to swoop down from his perch to aid a fellow
compatriot. He is the
Royal Raven.
And that are some of the Raven's to have descended on
McBride House! Hope you like them and if you ever have any questions or would like me to make you one of your very own, just email me!