Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Here Be Dragons.... Needle Felted Dragons That Is!

I grew up reading about King Arthur, the Knights of the Round Table, and... dragons!  Oh how dragons fascinated me!  Small ones, large ones, kind, evil, it didn't matter, I loved dragons!  Luckily today I found a medium to express my still love for the great winged beasts.  Above is Winter Sun.  He flies only on the those rare winter days when the sun sets pink and dances like stars in the bright white snow. He sweeps and swerves in the sky knowing he is but a speck in the glow of the sun. He comes from a rare breed of dragons who make their home in the Northern hemisphere and not only like but thrive in the cold frigid temperatures.  You can read more about him here.
Next is Wegelagen.  He is a rare breed of German Wall Dragons. Roughly translated, his name means ambush, and that is exactly what he will do. He is a protector. Silent by nature but deadly by force he is meant to deceive any intruders of the house. Be it that sneaky little mouse or the ill behaved dog, Wegelagen will watch over and report back to you all that he sees is amiss. Be careful though.... he is not shy and will gladly tell you when you too have been naughty.  You can see more pictures of him on my Etsy shop here.
This is another favourite that I created.  His name is Bracken and he comes in silently, barely rustling the leaves as he glides through the trees, gently landing on the soft forest floor. He is what the Norse people once referred to as a Foliage Dragon. Unlike his fiery brethren he does not breath fire. This, however, must never be mistaken for a weakness, for foliage dragoons are fierce hunters and do not like to be crossed. Normally shy by nature they are camouflaged perfectly in amongst the vegetation of the wild. More than likely you have come across a Foliage Dragon without even knowing it. That little tickle at the back of your neck while you are walking, that sense that someone is watching you? That, my fine friend, is a Foliage Dragon watching over his Kingdom.
 On the more whimsical side is this Book Dragon.  He sits. Hours after hours he sits in silent splendor. He has hidden himself amongst the vegetation on the mighty cliff in which he resides so that no one will disturb his reading. His mind races to keep up with vivid images of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table.  He sits. Hours after hours he sits in silent splendor. He has hidden himself amongst the vegetation on the mighty cliff in which he resides so that no one will disturb his reading. His mind races to keep up with vivid images of King Arthur and the Knights of the round table.
He is enthralled with the tales of noble knights, brave steeds, and lovely maidens. His great ancestors paint the pages with their fiery breath and their tales of glory. He longs to be part of their legacy. He is the keeper of the books, the keeper of legends. He alone is responsible for keeping the tales alive. Some day, perhaps sooner than later, this little brave Book Dragon will inspire great legends of his own. For now he is content with his cliff and his books. What more could a Book Dragon ask for.

These are just a few of the dragons that I've created over the years since I started needle felting so feel free to check out my Etsy shop, McBride House, to see some of these dragons and don't forget to look at the sold section to see more.   And please feel to to custom order a dragon too!  I would love to take your vision and bring it to life!

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