Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Bears Have Come to McBride House

Winter has been very long in this part of the world.  He's been patient. Oh so patient. In the fall, when the first nip of snow is in the air he happily settles down for a long winter's nap. His bed, made from a large dug out tree in a secret location, is made with care and he looks forward to settling down until the snow of winter magically evaporates. The snow comes and he lumbers in, lays down, rests his head on his paws and sleeps. He sleeps, and sleeps, and sleeps until finally his internal clock awakens him and he raises his great head, stretches, shakes and sticks his nose out the hole.
WHAT?! Why is there still snow, not only on the ground, but covering every shrub, rock and tree in sight? He shakes his head and ambles back in and sleeps some more. This happens again, and again. Finally, long after the first day of spring has arrived, he dons his warmest scarf, packs his bags, and says "I'm outta here." Where is he going I do not know, but it's got less snow than here.  To see more pictures click HERE.

And then there is this very content bear with this winter.
He is a bear of great determination. Having seen the need for his fellow bear population to produce their own honey, he sets his mind to figure out the mystery behind it. There has long been a rift between the Bee Clan and the Bear Clan and Mr Bear is tired of getting his paws stung while trying to obtain the delicious elixir of life called honey.
He reads the books, studies the plans but alas, he should be reading a book on how to "mend fences" instead. I'm afraid making honey is simply for the bees, and not for the hair covered bear!

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