Saturday, March 23, 2013

Needle Felted Tudor Tree House

 As the leaves start to fall an amazing site is revealed in the large oak tree bordering my property. Each day I make the journey to the tree and tip my head back to the heavens and gaze at the curious site.
 As the days pass I realize it's a tree house. And not an ordinary tree house. It's a stunning Tudor style house built with such precision and love. Who on earth built it?
 Day after day I sit quietly under the canopy, barely breathing hoping to catch a glimpse of the skilled carpenter but alas, I have not been blessed by his presence.
Perhaps I will catch him doing maintenance this Spring. For now, I sit and dream of living in such a splendid house.

Click HERE to see more!


  1. Wow Bella, what a, so stunningly beautiful! It must have taken you many, many hours to make. I simply adore it!!!

  2. Thank you Mette! Those smaller pieces do take a remarkable amount of time but I do love doing them! Thank you for the kind words!
