Thursday, February 23, 2012

Loving Pairs - Needle Felted Lion and Claire and Ice Queen and Polar Bear

 Some loving pairs have moved into McBride House.
 This is Claire and Leontes.  Secret friends that must hid their peculiar friendship.
 Both are fiercely loyal to one another, but alas, not everybody understands their friendship.
  They have a touching story to tell and you can read more about them here.
 This is Ice and Snow.  Where one goes, the other follows.
 Slender and dainty, Ice makes a wonderful friend for the lumbering and slightly clumsy Snow.
They too have an odd sort of friendship that you can read more about here.
Then there were these two!  What a battle before these two became companions... I won't go so far as to say they are friends though!
I'm still not sure if these two are friends yet, but I think they are working on it!

See these pairs and more at McBride House!

1 comment:

  1. Your talent never ceases to amaze me Bella! These newest creations are just so adorable! Hope you are well! (*_*) xo
