Sunday, November 14, 2010

It's All About the Pink! More Needle Felted Santas Have Arrived!

Pink... sigh.... my happy colour!   I dyed a batch of wool to just the perfect shade of pink and chaos ensued!  I just couldn't stop myself from making more and more pink Christmas items!  Below are the results of a pink felting frenzy!  This little Snow woman is dressed in her lovely pink cloak ready to met her boyfriend
 Grandfather Christmas looking very regal with his staff.
A Santa loaded up with presents and a tree.
A fun little Elf or Santa... either way he is Fat... sorry, make that Fluffy!
 A special order Santa made for a woman who's entire house is filled with pink items... including a pink microwave!
The newest addition to the pink family of Santas.  He has his own pastel presents behind him to help him stand.
See!  I couldn't stop myself!!  I love pink!!

1 comment:

  1. Hei Bella!
    I hope that you are completely healthy again?
    We are suffering from some major health problems overhere, too.
    Like your felted creatures; still your crocheted accessories are best!
    Have a nice new week,
