Friday, December 11, 2009

Christmas Decorating

For some reason I just can't get in the Christmas spirit this year!  I have the house decorated, presents wrapped, DH's staff party tonight, we get our Christmas tree tomorrow, turkey dinner at the in-law's on Sunday... something has to kick me into gear!  Meanwhile, here are some of my Christmas treasures.  Some are new, some are ages old, all are favourties!

A new owl for my woodland animal display.

Little treasures from my University days.

DH bought me this one year when he went Christmas shopping with some co-workers for their wives.  Everybody made fun of him because he spent so much time looking at the same Teddy Bears trying to pick out just the right one for me.  We are a match made in heaven!

My new amaryllis.  I just about always go for pink ones, but this year I decided to mix it up and get this red and white one.  You can't tell but the blossom is actually only about 3 inches wide!

Last years treat.  A blown glass snowflake to hang in my window.  Please don't look at the dirty window!

Blown glass turtles that come out to play with the permanent turtles at Christmas time.

And of course, who doesn't have green gum boots, a crown and a knight?  Happy Holidays everybody!


  1. I see no dirty windows! Love your teddy and that snowflake is gorgeous! Suzie. xxx

  2. Hei Bella!
    So lovely ornaments; think I will get me some new tomorrow, too!
    I also have an Amaryllis blooming, it is has very small petals and they are GREEN! Lovely!!
    Your Frosty plays like a dog in snow. I never had a cat that enjoyed snow....I am still so sorry for your loss!
    Have a nice weekend,
    Beatrice ♥

  3. Your ornaments are just beautiful. Love the snowflake. I am into snowflakes this year for some reason.

  4. Such lovely ornaments!
    I've always found that one cannot force the Christmas spirit, it arrives on its own time schedule. I do often find spending a few hours alone, perhaps walking out in the snow, seems to invite the spirit of Christmas to wrap round my shoulders. You might give that a try!
