Sunday, November 1, 2009

Needle Felted Owl and Santa Bear Claws

This is Hootavius A. Owl who is looking for a new home. He comes with this dapper outfit complete with a pocket watch and everything!
And this is Santa Bear Claws. He really likes to be called Claws for short and he's on the prowl for good little boys and girls!


  1. Hi Bella..
    Your little creations are wonderful.. You certainly have a nice touch.
    Please stop by and see my give away and enter for my Blogoversary....

  2. I thought the owl was THE best, until I saw "Claws". What an incredibly sweet face! These are classic treasures for sure!

  3. Blush, blush! Thank you everybody! Claws and Hootavious have developed rather large heads from all the compliments... so have their creator! I may not fit through the door!
