Friday, January 2, 2009

I'm It!

The fabulous Maggie from Magpie's Collectables has tagged me! This is a first for me, so I will give it a shot! I am supposed to list eight random facts about myself. Hmmm....well here it goes!

1. I studied botany in University and worked in that field for many years.

2. Everybody knows that I LOVE pink and wear it to make myself feel better, well, on the other side of that coin is that I HATE purple! I've grown to like lavender, mauve's and such, but not purple!

3. I have never drunk a cup of coffee in my life. I did taste it once, but yuck!

4. I don't like chocolate. I only tolerate it to get to the yummy goodness that it wraps itself around. Sometimes I even cut off the chocolate on a chocolate bar just so I can have the wafers, or caramel inside.

5. I grow daylilies. I really want to propagate them and come up with my own breed!

6. If there could only be one bird in the world I would want it to be chickadees.

7. I cry every time I watch the part in the Little Princess where Sara cries "Papa, don't you remember me?".

8. I like to visit old cemeteries and take pictures of headstones. I then like to come home and look the names up in old newspapers and learn more about these people.
I'm not going to tag anybody (I'm really shy) but I will leave it open and hope that anybody who reads this and wants to be tagged, will go ahead!


  1. What a great list! I also don't drink coffee but I love chocolate. And I also like exploring old cemeteries and wonder about the lives the people lived.


  2. Hi Bella! Thanks for stopping by! Your creations are wonderful! Happy New Year! Lisa :)

  3. No coffee? No CHOCOLATE?!

    Does not compute.

  4. LOL Desperate Housewife. Number 8 is one of my favorite things too! When we are driving anywhere I always have to stop at the old cemeteries.

  5. Nice going Bella...very interesting...
    But No Coffee?????? Oh My, For me a day without coffe is like a day without sunshine!!!! haha
    I too love the chickadees.... I'm watching them right now at the feeders.....
    Thanks for playing

  6. ♥.♥.♥
    Hei Bella,
    have sent an award to you, too.
    Just take a look at my blog!
    Think yours is just FABULOUS! So much nice to you know I am inhere frequently.
    Have a super 2009!!!
    Greetings from Europe
