Friday, December 5, 2008

Trimming The "Trees"

I simply love trees and having grown up in the forestry industry and then marrying a Forester, I allow myself to collect "Christmas Trees". I don't really have a choice, do I?

My forest of trees has expanded over the years and I have to move it to a bigger and bigger surface. The last two years it has found a place of honour on my fireplace in my bedroom.

This little Charlie Brown tree followed me home today!

This little tree helps me cover two collections: tree AND blown glass!

Opps, this little set followed me home today too!


  1. Hi Bella! What a gorgeous collection of trees!! I love seeing them all grouped together like that ~ they have so much more impact that way...I love your new additions too! Wishing you a wonderful weekend Bella, xxoo, Dawn

  2. Hi Bella--your collection of trees is beautiful.

    Have a great weekend.


  3. This is so special! I would have bought these trees as well!
    So great you are a follower to my blog now.... ♥
    Welcome back to my world!

    Enjoy your weekend!
