Thursday, December 11, 2008

Smiles All Around!

I simply love Christmas Decorations, they just make me SMILE!! It's the one time of year when you can just go WAY over the top!

This is part of set of Santa mugs that we used when we were kids. My two big brothers and I would come in from the barn, or ice skating on the pond, or a big snow ball fight and Mom would have hot chocolate heated on the wood stove for us. I smile every time I bring these out and think of those happy, happy times.

I picked this little guy up at a craft show I was in quite a few years ago. His pipe cleaner legs are starting to fall off, but he still makes me smile.

This fantastic elf was bought in a Christmas Store in Fredericton when I was at University (UNB). He traveled with me to every new apartment or house and was gently placed on my bed stand so that at Christmas time he would be the first thing I would see in the morning. He would put a smile on my face to think that exams would soon be over and I could go home. The little wobbly doll is something I've had since childhood and now, because of her colours, I bring her out at Christmas time.

This is another thing that always makes me smile. I love to pick out a tiny little Poinsettia, add some moss and plop it in a teacup. This the first year I couldn't find a pink one that I liked, but I'm pleased with the dark rich red of this one.

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