Thursday, April 24, 2008

How Lucky Am I?

I've decided that I love to dye yarn! It's sooo much fun! Of course I've only done it once, but I bought supplies today and I'm going to dye my heart out tomorrow! The lucky part, you ask? I needed something to rewind the skeins so that they look all pretty and variegated. How do I do this? I go to my Mom's basement and clean up my great-grandfather's wool winder! See? Isn't it gorgeous? He made it and a spinning wheel and I now have them both. And the answer to the question? How lucky am I? Extremely!

1 comment:

  1. You are the absolute luckiest person ever.. !!!! I love spinning and everything about it.. the pace. the texture, the flow of the fiber through my fingers.. the oil soaked tools, the wood... ahhhhh.

    if only... I could do that all day long.. but alas I need to work, to eat...

    thank you paying me a visit me.. I have enjoyed meeting you virtually and especially since you are here in the Maritimes, it is even more special... up to this point in blogland I haven't gotten to know many people from this area...!!!
