Tell me something...does this look like 5 - 10 cms (2-4 inches) of snow to you? That is how much the Meteorologists were calling for yesterday. Instead, we go well over a foot of snow (30 cms)!

We hardly got shoveled out from the last storm and now have another foot to shovel!

Any guess to what that bump is? Believe it or not, that's my bird bath under all that snow!

This is the piece on the back deck that juts out from the house. Look at all the snow! I hope the deck can stand all that weight!

But, alas, it sure is pretty!
~ ♥ ~
So pretty snow pix!
It looks definitely quite a lot!
It snows here, too. But it is only about 3 cm up til now.
This is real winter what you show us here - like it! And hope that all will withstand the weight of the snow masses.
Have a nice new week,
Beatrice from Europe
~ ♥ ~
OHHHHHH.So cold.I feel for you.I live in the foothills of the Cascades in WA. We always get a little snow but this year we were hit with so much we couldn"t get out to family for Christmas. 4 feet in the driveway out here it takes awhile to get plowed out. But it was beautiful. Sharon
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