So I'm just about fed up with all this snow! Today was the 11th storm of the year and last night's storm was our first blizzard. See those posts? Fastened to them is a fence that is exactly 4 feet tall. Hard to believe!

This is the greenhouse that I took a picture of a few posts back. It's not even recognizable right now!

If you look close you can see why the power goes off all the time. Look at the second wire...see how the branches are weighing it down? Luckily this is only the phone wire, but during ice storms the main power lines take a real beating.

This is my Dad plowing us out...again. The snowbank in front of the house is over the height of the roof. We can't even get to the front door that way any more. AND guess what? It's snowing again! Sigh.....
Oh Bella I agree enough is enough! Yikes!!!! I better go rent a Saint Bernard w/flask and head your way. Maybe 2 flasks. What do you think? He could bring snow shoes and chocolate too...... Sharon PS. For heaven sake don't get locked out of your house, they wouldn't find you til summer 2010!
Oh, Dear Bella, these are amazing pictures, especially the one of the green house. If this keeps up you will have a huge flock of felted sheep but with no place to graze. Sending warm thoughts your way!
kindly, ldh
Bella go to my blog. You have a surprise waiting. Sharon
Hei Bella!
This is indeed too much!
Our snow is gone and I am pretty happy about it; instead it is heavy drzzle out now. Not too funny either...:(
The rest of the country though has enormous masses of snow, too this winter. It piles up househigh in some places.
But I suppose you will make it thru the rest of the winter with some nice new designs. :))
Have a lovely weekend
Beatrice ♥ from Europe
I'm with you, Bella! I am so done with winter right now! Bring on the Spring!
I'm having a Bella McBride Day today! heehee Come look. The only thing I am not doing is crocheting. ;)
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