Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!!!!

Another Halloween gone by....

I love blown glass ornaments...wait until you see my
Christmas pictures!

A little black spider made of bells.

A fierce knight, a cowgirl and Anakin Skywalker!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Piggy Pink and Her Pink Palace

How To Be What A Pig Ought To Be

How to be what a Pig ought to be
Is not easy for young Pigs like me.
Human beings I'm told
Talk of Pigs bought and sold
Never thinking that a Piggy should be free!

If it's Lions or a Kangaroo you meet,
If it's Dolphins or a Whale without feet,
They're protected you see
They're not Piggies like me
Who end up in a package of meat!

How to be what a Pig ought to be
Is not easy for young Pigs like me.
Human beings don't care
If we live with a scare
Never dreaming that a Piggy should be free!
-Monard G. Sanford

Little Pink Piggy makes her debut on Etsy tonight!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

A Woman of Many Interests

During the summer months my husband brought me home a present from the woods. He found this porcupine skull and instantly thought I would love it. He gingerly put it in a plastic bag and lovingly handed it to me as if it was a bouquet of flowers! Guess what? I couldn't be more pleased! I bleached it in peroxide, left it in the sun, glued it's lower jaw bone together, put him back together and found the perfect plate for him to rest his weary head. Just look at those teeth! Amazing!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Loki June 1, 2008 - Oct. 24, 2008

Our little Loki is no longer with us.
This is the day we brought them home.

Sometime last week.

I miss you.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Goodies Galore!

Ever make a mistake that turned out to be one of the best things you ever did? Well a few months back I did! I will blame it on computer gremlins, but I sold a pattern on Etsy to "yarnfreak" that had a mistake in it and she contacted me. Well several dozen emails latter a fast friendship has formed! AND look what I got in the mail last week from my new friend as a belated Birthday gift! A sampling of all her Etsy goodies that she sells at her Etsy Store Girls Just Want to Have Fun! Don't you just love all the colours? The wash clothes are FANTASTIC! The more you use them, the softer they become! Thanks to Debbie and her two girls for putting such a wonderful treat together for me! It certainly made my day!
The moral of this story? Mistakes happen, just keep your head up and look for some good out of it, be it a lesson learned, or a new friend found.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Little Cottage in the Woods...

"A house is made of walls and beams;
a home is built with love and dreams"

This is the summer side (left) and the winter side (right) of my newest felted creation.

Softwood and hardwood trees are included in this trio for a perfect cottage setting.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Another Crop of Mini Pumpkins

"I would rather sit on a pumpkin,
And have it all to myself,
Than be crowded on a velvet cushion."
Quote by Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Rain Today....Again.

I found out today that while we had a very wet summer, it is the reason we are having such a beautiful autumn. The colours are still fantastic! While most of the oranges and reds have disappeared, the yellows are spectacular! Sadly, today it is raining.....again.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Something New AND 100th Post!

I'm trying something new. I was given the tools to try needle felting and I'm having a great time with it! So far I've made a trio of pumpkins, two houses and a tree! And look! This is my 100th post on my blog! Wow, the time sure flies!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

From my home to yours...Happy Thanksgiving!

Too much turkey!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


My pattern for The Ghost and the Pumpkin made it into a Storque article on Etsy! To see it go to

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's Almost Ready!

The time is nearing, I've been patiently waiting and it's almost ready. The carpet of leaves on our lawn and driveway are almost to the point where I can run through them and kick them in the air! Oh, to be a kid again!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Pattern

You know, winter will soon be here. I know, I know, not yet, but look on the bright side, you get to wear all your crocheted items to keep you nice and toasty.

I designed these snowflake mittens just for those cold days leading up to Christmas!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Books, Glorious Books!

One of my favorite things in the world to do is curl up with a good book. This treasury is a tribute to those savored moments! To see the real thing

Monday, October 6, 2008

A Visitor!

I'm not sure what kind of bird this is. She was catching flies on the sunny side of the house and she looked very blue on her back. I was lucky just to get this picture because she disapperared as soon as I took the picture. I'm calling it a she because I think she might be an Eastern Bluebird? If anybody has an answer for me, I would love to know!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ready!!! Lincoln Legwarmers.

I think these legwarmers would make fantastic gifts for those hard to shop for teenagers! Imagine their delight Christmas morning when they open these instead of a pair of boring socks! I love these heather tones, but any colour would be lovely. Wear them over jeans, pulled up as socks, over tights, think of the possibilities.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Friday, October 3, 2008


It seems like a long time since I've posted anything. I guess I've been busy crocheting. I'm in the process of making a Sunset Hat for a custom order and I've been working on a pattern for legwarmers. The hat is completed (although I am waiting for it to dry! Wool takes so long to dry!) and the legwarmers are almost done. Here is a sneak peak of both!