Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We Survived the Storm

The Maritimes survived the much dreaded Hurricane Kyle on Sunday night. In fact, it was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it reached land. I took some pictures of the fall colours on Sunday, just in case the winds blew off all the leaves, but luckily our trees were strong and most of the leaves remain! Enjoy!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

A True Gift

I know Autumn comes every year, but every year I'm amazed and delighted by it. I drive down the road and, like a child at Christmas, exclaim with delight "Wow, look at that one!". Then I see another one, and another, each more beautiful than the last. How is this possible? I shouldn't be surprised at all this beauty, but I am. Here is just a small example of how the colours are starting to change, and, yes, I mean just starting, the best is yet to come!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

New Today!

Just released today....East Coast Mittens! These are an absolute must for me when I'm walking. I'm what I call a "ground walker" because my head in always down looking for treasures. Treasure to me can be rocks, flowers, leaves, bugs, feathers, any sort of interesting tidbit! Fold back the flap, release fingers, pick up the treasure, put into my pocket and home I take it!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Pink Delights

Well who would have thought making treasuries would be so much fun! As I have previously mentioned, pink is my absolute favorite colour, and I just couldn't resist making a treasury devoted to pink! I was also able to include some good friends and fellow New Brunswickers in my colour scheme as well! It can be found at http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list_west.php?room_id=26971. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Vintage Button

My Mother-in-Law found this button on a coat ages ago and thought it would look great as a prop for some of my crocheted items. I think it is just too nice to stay in the background and deserves a place all of its own! We can't decide just what kind of animal it is though. Lion, Tiger, something mythical? Whatever it is, it is just beautiful! Thanks MB!

Cover Pages!

I have discovered that I love creating cover pages for my patterns! This is, obviously, what I came up with for my newest mittens. I feel a series of mittens coming on though, maybe a pair with a flap? Stay tuned!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Newly Released Pattern

It is getting that time of year again, my friends! My newest pattern, Canadian North Mittens, will surely help keep that chill away! They can be found at http://www.bellamcbride.etsy.com/.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


We have been seeing a lot of deer lately. This is a group of four (one is out of the picture) that frequent to local golf course. They come out to these apple trees the same time every night for a quick bit to eat.

This little spike horn comes to the fields below our house, but, as you can see, he was being adventurous and this was taken right below our back deck. You can see where the velvet has rubbed off, but a long piece is still hanging down his head.

This is the fourth deer from the first pictures.

Finally, a picture of all four of them. This was taken in the parking lot of the golf course! Notice how the two does are darker than the two kids. They are starting to put on their winter coats.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Autumn!

Today is offically the first day of autumn! Happy Autumn!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I Made a Treasury!

I managed to snag my first treasury today and quickly put this together. To see the real thing go to: http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list_west.php?room_id=26469.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Frosty Morning

Our little Frosty was out sunning himself this morning after we had a heavy frost in Southern New Brunswick.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Autumn Days

The air is crisp, there is the smell of wood smoke in the air, apples are falling off the trees, frost in the morning, the leaves are starting to change colour, yep....fall is here. My favorite time of year.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Ghost and The Pumpkin

I couldn't leave my little pumpkin all on his own, so I made him a little ghost. I just have a little more proofing to do and then I will release this set of patterns tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sunset Hat and Purse Crochet Patterns

I've never been pleased with my pictures for the Sunset Hat and Purse Patterns, so I took some new pictures today.

Three Guesses!

I did a load of laundry this morning and as I was hanging it out on the line I had to laugh! I'll give you three guesses as to what my favorite colour is!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I found this fantastic Hunter's Orange Briggs and Little yarn that was just screaming to be made into a pumpkin. This is what I came up with so far and I have most of the pattern written, but I'm sure it will be the end of the week before I can put it on my Etsy site!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

New Pictures for Lady of the North

My Lady of the North Set just wasn't showing up on the lighter background, so I took some new ones on a navy background. I think these show the details better, even though I really liked the other ones. Oh well, practice makes perfect.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I Can"t Believe It!

I finally made the front page of Etsy! Of course I missed it, but I did find a screen capture of it! I can't believe my face was on the front page!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Lady of the North Wrist and Neckwarmer Pattern

I just finished my latest pattern, which is a two piece set, that is made from only 1 ball of yarn! I hate having to buy more than one ball of yarn for a project, so here is my solution! Of course you all know where to find the pattern, right? Just in case you don't remember, it is www.bellamcbride.etsy.com!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Hurricane Hanna

Hurricane Hanna reached the East Coast of Canada late Saturday night and ended on Sunday. Saint John, New Brunswick received the most rain with 143 mm. This picture is my view of the fields below my place with the creek running through the middle. As you can see, the creek turned chocolate brown and the water slowly crept through the field throughout the day. The next morning the water in the field was gone, but the creek was/is still muddy and high. We got off very lucky!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

One Ball of Yarn Series

I love to go shopping for yarn, but I usually only buy one ball or skein of yarn in an individual colour. There are just so many colours and types to choose from I don't want to spend money on more than one ball of yarn in the same colour! So, I'm working on a new series of patterns that only use one ball of yarn! It's exciting to see just what you can come up with when you are limited to only a specific amount. So far I've made a neckwarmer and I'm working on matching cuffs/wristwarmers all from one ball of yarn with 166 yards (152 m)! So much fun!!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Wristwarmer Collection

Now, for the low, low price of $22.50 you can purchase all SIX of my wristwarmer patterns! Just check out my shop for more details!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Victoria-Allie Wristwarmers

I was asked by a fellow Etsian (www.yarnfreak.etsy.com) to come up with a cool and funky pattern for some wristwarmers for her teenage daughters. This is what we came up with and I'm told they are "way cool"! My niece, also a teen, agrees as well! I thought my days of being "way cool" were way over! Thanks girls!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

McAdam Railway Station

A one hundred-year-old railway station located McAdam, New Brunswick, Canada. It was officially opened in the 1900's and was commissioned by Sir William Cornelius Van Horn, who built the Canadian Pacific Railway.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

They are ready! For one price you get all three versions of my newest Neckwarmer!

The Battle Between Neckwarmers and Scarves Rages On:

Why Neckwarmers are better than Scarves (in this crocheter’s opinion):
1. If you get hot, you can put your Neckwarmer in your purse
2. They are smaller so you could make one in every colour to match all your outfits
3. They stay in place and don’t mysteriously become longer on one side
4. You can show off your favorite vintage buttons on them
5. And because they are just so darn cute!